Парагвайските законодатели одобриха законопроекта за реформа в хазарта
By Джеймс - 7 януари 2025 г.
In the second extraordinary session of the Chamber of Deputies, lawmakers прие сметката modifying Paraguay’s gambling law. Among the main changes is the strengthening of the National Gambling Commission (Conajzar), which, according to the approved text, will be integrated into the National Tax Revenue Directorate (DNIT). The full session met as a committee to issue a report on the matter.
Adrián Vaesken and Rocío Vallejo expressed disagreement with the modification to Article 20 concerning the number of quiniela licenses. Vaesken argued that the project aims to break the lottery monopoly. He supported the House version, which specified “at least three” licenses for quiniela unlike the Senate version that specified used “up to three” licences. The House version, he claimed, was crucial for effectively ending the gambling monopoly.
On the other hand, Deputy Yamil Esgaib supported the changes, stating that “the modification aims to give the commission a solid enforcement arm, increasing its capacity to enforce resolutions and taking on a more active role in the collection and oversight of gambling nationwide.”
After the favourable report, the full session moved on to the general study and approved the bill, sanctioning it. The bill now moves to the Executive Branch for approval.
The initiative intends to eliminate existing monopolies, fostering greater competition and diversity of providers at the national, departmental, and municipal levels. The legislation aims to expand the online sports betting industry by allowing more companies to enter the market. The initiative was submitted to Congress by Президент Сантяго Пеня. Changes will enable Conajzar to integrate its operations with the DNIT, equipping it with a more efficient mechanism for enforcing resolutions and facilitating oversight of the industry.