Loterj търси разпределяне на домейн „bet.br“ за всички регулирани компании за онлайн хазарт в Бразилия
By Джеймс - 21 януари 2025 г.
After meetings and exchanges of official letters with the Núcleo de Informação e Controle do PontoBR (NIC.br), an entity linked to the Committee for Internet Management in Brazil (CGI.br), the Lottery of the State of Rio de Janeiro (Loterj) has requested that the secondary domain category “bet.br” be allocated to all regulated online gambling companies in Brazil.
Loterj argues that the use of the domain “bet.br” by operators authorized by various regulatory bodies provides consumers with direct assurance that the company is regulated in the country.
In a statement Loterj argued that: “It is a fact that the gaming and betting sector in Brazil is facing a critical moment due to the legislative ‘vacuum’ that has existed since 2018. As a result, several companies that do not comply with Brazilian legislation have proliferated. Therefore, it is necessary to provide information and educate consumers quickly and effectively.”
Loterj argues that preventing regulated companies throughout the country from using “bet.br” constitutes “a violation of the principles of free initiative, free competition, and consumer protection, as outlined in the Constitution, the Civil Framework of the Internet, and the Consumer Defence Code. Furthermore, it contradicts the principles of Law No. 12,965/2014 (Civil Framework of the Internet) and Resolution CGI.br/RES/2009/003/P, which govern Internet management in Brazil, directly violating the principles of network neutrality and democratic collaborative governance.”
Loterj concluded by arguing that “in favour of consumers, the use of the domain “bet.br” should be democratized for all regulatory bodies, lest it threaten equity in the digital environment by privileging some operators over others.”