Loterj е изправен пред глоби за залагания извън държавните граници в Бразилия
By Джеймс - 30 януари 2025 г.
The lottery of the state of Rio de Janeiro (Loterj) is under increasing pressure to give way to demands from other states and stop accepting bets from outside its borders. Justice Minister Андре Мендонса от Върховен федерален съд (STF) е поръчал Loterj to take, within five days, the necessary measures to prevent companies from accepting bets made outside the territory of Rio de Janeiro. If the decision is not complied with, a daily fine of R$500,000 will be applied to Loterj and R$50,000 to the Loterj president.
Mendonça‘s latest ruling on the matter comes after the Attorney General of the State of Paraná notified the STF that Loterj was failing to comply with the minister’s ruling. In response to this noncompliance, Paraná suggested imposing a daily fine of R$ 50,000.
Earlier this month Mendonça ordered the State of Rio de Janeiro to stop accepting fixed-odds sports bets made outside the territory. The deadline for taking action was five days, with the return of the requirement to use electronic geolocation mechanisms. In the injunction, Mendonça suspended the effectiveness of a rule from Loterj’s public notice for accrediting companies to operate bets in the state.
For the minister, the measure favours the interstate exploitation of this public service by Rio de Janeiro, to the detriment of the competence of the Union and other states. In Civil Action Originating (ACO) 3696, the Union argues that the norm invades its competence to offer and operate lotteries at the national level and encourages predatory competition among the entities of the federation. Loterj subsequently filed an appeal but this was rejected by Mendonça.