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IGT ще модернизира централната лотарийна система за LOTTO Thüringen в Германия със седемгодишно удължаване на договора
By Фил - 27 януари 2025 г.
International Game Technology’s subsidiary, IGT Global Services Limited, has signed a seven-year contract with the Thuringian State Lottery in Germany to deploy its retail central system technology, Aurora, and related software upgrades. The contract term will begin upon go-live of the new platform, planned for March 2026.
An integral part of OMNIA, IGT’s player-centric, omnichannel solution for lotteries, Aurora helps drive lottery innovation and profitability. The platform will provide intuitive, user-friendly applications, tools and reporting capabilities which will handle all of LOTTO Thüringen’s transaction processing, game management and back-office operations.
“LOTTO Thüringen has relied on IGT’s versatile and strong-performing central system technology throughout the course of our decades-long relationship,” said Jochen Staschewski, LOTTO Thüringen Chief Executive Officer. “Upgrading our central retail system to IGT’s advanced platform and back-end software will enable us to streamline our business processes and continue operating with the highest levels of efficiency.”
“IGT’s retail central system incorporates a suite of flexible solutions designed to help manage, transform and further grow LOTTO Thüringen’s business,” said Jay Gendron, IGT Chief Operating Officer, Global Lottery. “With this long-term contract extension, LOTTO Thüringen is well-positioned to continue benefiting from IGT’s secure, responsible and modernized technology and software. Leveraging these best-in-class solutions will aid in the Lottery’s goals of supporting good causes throughout the state.”