Новини от оператора
Федералният съд на Бразилия разрешава на оператора да продължи дейността си по време на процеса на разрешаване
By Джеймс - 16 януари 2025 г.
A Federal Court has granted a preliminary injunction in favour of the company Select Operations, allowing it to continue its activities until the conclusion of the authorization process currently underway at the Секретариат за награди и залагания на Министерството на финансите (СПА).
Select Operations, which operates the brands In2Bet, Papi Games and MMABet requested authorization on August 20, 2024. However, due to the delay in the process, it was not included in the list of authorized companies published on December 31, 2024.
In its injunction request, attorney Nelson Wilians argued that the delay in the process violates the principles of efficiency and reasonable duration of proceedings, resulting in irreparable damage to the company.
In the ruling, Federal Judge Itagiba Catta Preta Neto of the 4th Court of the Regional Federal Court of the 1st Region highlighted the risk of the company’s extinction due to the delay in public administration. According to the judge, “the omission or delay in resolving the administrative authorization process in this case violates the rights of the plaintiff, resulting in a true ‘death penalty’ for the legal entity, considering the dynamics of the specific market.”
As a result, the judge granted the injunction, preventing the SPA from taking punitive measures against the company for operating without authorization and allowing the company to continue its activities until the administrative process is concluded and a final decision is made.
On December 31, the Official Gazette of the Union (DOU) published the list of companies authorized to operate nationally in the fixed-odds betting market. In total, 15 ordinances grant definitive authorizations for 14 companies. One company received multiple authorization ordinances due to the number of brands it intends to operate: each authorization can cover up to three brands, necessitating a new grant to operate another set of up to three brands.
Another ordinance (Portaria SPA/MF No. 2,104) presented 52 companies that obtained temporary authorizations to operate in the fixed-odds betting market. These authorizations were granted to companies that met the requirements, including the payment of a R$ 30 million grant, but that have solvable pending issues.